Chapter 2023

Chapter 2023

I’m creatively constipated. There is so much energy, and by that I do mean anxiety, pumping through my veins lately that I don’t know how to sit down and channel it directly. My adrenaline is all over the place and it’s making a mess! It’s like a toddler Tasmanian devil wrecking everything in its path….

How I Met My Master’s

How I Met My Master’s

Yes, I’ve been a ghost, and I’m honestly a different person since the last time I shared my brain with you. It’s been quite a journey, so buckle up. Back in August 2021, I moved from Bergen County, New Jersey to Baton Rouge, Louisiana on purpose. The purpose was to attend Louisiana State University. Almost…

Baby W’s

Baby W’s

Why is it January 2021 when it’s still March? This entire past year was a long ass extension of one day. March 17th, 2020. At least where I’m at, since other parts of the world implemented their lockdowns on different dates. I guess the question that begs asking is: What the fuck did I do in…

2020 (the Apocalypse) in Review

2020 (the Apocalypse) in Review

What other choice do I have for a title considering two fiscal quarters have passed since I last put fingers-to-keyboard? It’s November, but what does that even mean right now in this time-warped society we’ve been Destiny’s-Child-surviving in? Well thus far, I’ve talked about my vagina. I’ve talked about my hair. I’ve talked about my Dad. I’ve talked…